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One3D supports a wide range of input files for 3D model generation.

3.1 Supported file formats:

Image formats:
Tag Image File Format (TIFF)
Panasonic RAW (RW2)
Canon Raw (CRW, CR2)
Nikon Raw (NEF)
Sony Raw (ARW)
Hasselblad (3FR)
Adobe Digital Negative (DNG)

JPEG 2000
PNG.One3D utilizes EXIF metadata if present.

Video formats:

Audio Video Interleave (AVI),


MPEG-4 (MP4)

Windows Media Video (WMV)

Quicktime (MOV).

Point cloud formats:

ASTM E57 file format (.e57),

Cyclone point cloud export format (.ptx)

3.2 File recommendations:

3.2 File recommendations:

Camera settings / Photo format:
• Shutter speed: 1/8000 – 1/200 sec (the faster the better)
• F-stop: 1.2–8.0 (the higher the better)
• Recommended ISO: 50–200
• Focal length: Fixed focus
• EV: -1.5–0.0

EXIF data - for optimal results, ensure that the following information is recorded in the EXIF of each photo:
• Latitude, longitude, and height of the camera/drone
• Roll, yaw, and pitch of the camera gimbal
• Camera settings such as shooting mode, shutter speed, and ISO
• Camera model, focal length, optical center X/Y
• Date and time

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