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The panorama tool enables you to explore 360-degree panoramas of the site, provided they were uploaded during the creation of the digital twin. When uploading panoramas, it's important to upload the individual images that will be stitched together to create the panorama, rather than an already stitched 360-degree panorama. One3D will automatically detect and stitch the panoramas for you.

To use the panorama tool, select "Panoramas" from the top toolbar. If there are any existing panoramas, they will be displayed as icons on top of the 3D model. Hovering over a panorama icon will reveal its corresponding name.

To view a specific panorama, simply left-click on its respective icon within the model. The panoramic image will open, occupying most of the twin view. In the image view, you can zoom in or out, rotate the panorama, or download it by clicking on the download button located at the top of the view. As you rotate the panorama, guiding lines will appear to indicate the center of the view.

On the top right side of the panorama view, you will find an interactive map displaying additional useful information, including the azimuth of the current view and the width of the angle, depending on the current level of zoom in the panorama.

To close the panorama image view or select another panorama, simply click again on the "Panoramas" icon in the top toolbar.

The following example demonstrates using the “Panoramas” tool:

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