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The Images tool offers convenient access and inspection of the images used in the reconstruction of the 3D model for a selected point, as well as the ability to view the positions of all the images in 3D space.

To utilize this tool, select the Images option from the top toolbar and then left-click on any desired point within the 3D space.

In the digital twin view, you will notice the appearance of 20 orange points, representing the positions of the 20 closest images with a direct line of sight to the selected point.

A sidebar will also appear on the right, allowing you to preview these images. Within it, you can zoom in and out of the selected image, switch to another image, and access additional options. From the top of the sidebar, you can choose to preview the camera model and settings of the selected image, rotate the digital twin view to align with the image's position and orientation, view the positions of all the images used in the model in 3D space, and download the selected image.

The following example illustrates using the images tool to zoom into a detail from a selected image:

The subsequent example illustrates the utilization of the images tool to preview the positions of all images used for the reconstruction of the 3D model. To access it, select "Camera direction" from the top menu of the sidebar. The sidebar displaying the image view can be closed to improve the preview of the twin while still retaining the visibility of all positions by clicking the image tool icon once more:

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